Same day flower delivery to Kiev guarantee if ordered before 18.00 GMT+2:00 Only fresh cut flowers.
Bouquet "Spanish Love" ― Ukrflower - flower delivery

Bouquet "Spanish Love"

67 $

The bouquet of red and yellow roses in combination with chrysanthemum santini, greenery, wrapping.

The bouquet consists of: 6 yellow rose, 7 red roses, 2 chrysanthemum santini, company wrapping ukrflower.

Delivery of the bouquets through Kiev is free.

You may also add something to the bouquet in the section "presents".

Do you need reliable, fast and affordable flower and gift delivery in Ukraine? You are in the right place. Our beautiful flower arrangements and carefully selected gifts are delivered by couriers across Ukraine. We make sure that your orders are delivered safely, on time and in perfect condition. Searching for flowers to Kiev in Russian - please visit